Join us Sundays at 10:30am
Services Held at:
Best Western Inn
203 Queensway W
Simcoe, ON
(see map)
Pastor: Karl Allen
Secretary: Patt Biro
Member of:
The vision of Word of Life Church is:
- To raise up people totally dedicated to Jesus Christ.
- To tear down spiritual strongholds in the church and in our society.
- To lay a word-based foundation for the individual and society.
- To commission equipped believers into victorious service for GOD; to spiritually influence Simcoe and surrounding area.
Corporate Prayer
Paul’s Colossian Prayer:
Gracious Father I pray that I may be filled with the full, deep, and clear knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things. I pray that I would walk (live and conduct myself) in a manner worthy of You, fully pleasing to You. I pray that I would bear fruit in every good work and steadily grow and increase in the knowledge of God with fuller, deeper, and clearer insight, acquaintance recognition. I pray that I may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of Your glory, that I may exercise every kind of endurance and patience, perseverance, and forbearance with joy. I thank-You for making me fit to share the inheritance with the saints in light. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Statement of Faith
- The bible is the inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God.
- There is on God manifested in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- The reality of Satan and his present deceptive influence, which has been dethroned by Jesus' victory at Calvary for all those who believe.
- The deity of our Lord Jesus, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and redeeming death. His bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory as Lord of lords and King of kings.
- The fall of man and his lost estate, which makes necessary a rebirth through confession and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The resurrection of believers unto everlasting life in heaven and of unbelievers into everlasting punishment in hell.
- The present supernatural ministry of the Holy Sprit as found in 1 Corinthians 12-14 and throughout the book of Acts, and that ministry continuing until the Lord's return.
- The church is called to the unity of the faith as found in Ephesians 4:11-13.